Monday, January 22, 2007

The Return of Martina Been
Dear Friends and Family,
So it is about time I updated this blog… I know, I know… I have been shamefully remiss in my duties. It is January, and the last thing I wrote was written in October… please forgive me. You should all know, as a matter of course, that if I seem to drop off the earth, it is nothing personal and not necessarily a reason for panic. Simply send me a series of emails stating “are you alive?” eventually I will respond with at least a yes or a no.
I made it back to the states for Christmas and was able to see many of you. Some of you could probably tell that I was in a slightly distraught state throughout the whole trip. Thank you so much for your love and support- especially with my tendency to randomly burst into tears at awkward moments. I just need lots of hugs and “I love you’s” (which of course cause more tears, but that is all right.
I attribute my emotional volitability (my spell check says that is not a word, but as an English teacher I have the right to form a word into any part of speech I want to, although Karl has argued with me about this during scrabble games)… to a couple of things. 1) I think I was experiencing culture shock, something I had heard about but did not think would effect me. 2) I was very jet-lagged; still am as a matter of fact. Oh the joy of waking up in the middle of the night because your body is CONVINCED it is only 2:00 in the afternoon! And 3) I really miss you all and was overwhelmed by the fact that I had just a few moments here and there to spend with you. Anyway, enough about my emotions- they take up entirely to much energy if you ask me.
Abuja is still here and going strong. The police still hold their checkpoints everywhere, eying me up for a bribe as I slip past them. The highways are still filled with overcrowded, antiquitated cars that creep along at excruciatingly slow speeds, their drivers thinking the lines in the road are mean for them to drive their car right on. The banana boys are still selling their bananas outside the Lebanese grocery store, trying to bully me into buying their bananas.
It is good to be back. My students are wonderful as always. Those of them who stayed here during the holidays are so bored they are joyous that school is back in session. We are doing grammar this week- a nice, routine oriented relief from the stress of the holidays. We are going to be putting on Romeo and Juliet- the African version as our spring play this year. It should keep us all busy.
So, my goal is to try to keep you all updated on the events, even the small daily ones, of my life here. I will also try to download some pictures. Take care, I miss you all!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see you back with a blog. (Check your email by the way) Love you! ~Jes

Anonymous said...

Martina my love! Glad to see you are at the blog again! Although there are some discouraging moments in your letters, it's so good to hear that you ARE Loving your classroom and your students. I'm sure that they have a very high unspoken gratitude towards you and your actions! I miss you and I am praying for you!(and your health)I love to read about ALL the things you are experiancing, even the ones you think are boring day to day routine-keep it up! Here is my email address:

(it will not let me use the "at" symbol, but the address is "at"